3 Listen, you kings!Pay attention, you rulers!I will sing, I will play musicto Israel's God, the Lord.
4 Lord, when you left the mountains of Seir,when you came out of the region of Edom,the earth shook, and rain fell from the sky.Yes, water poured down from the clouds.
5 The mountains quaked before the Lord of Sinai,before the Lord, the God of Israel.
6 In the days of Shamgar son of Anath,in the days of Jael,caravans no longer went through the land,and travellers used the side roads.
7 The towns of Israel stood abandoned, Deborah;they stood empty until you came,came like a mother for Israel.
8 Then there was war in the landwhen the Israelites chose new gods.Of the 40,000 men in Israel,did anyone carry shield or spear?
9 My heart is with the commanders of Israel,with the people who gladly volunteered.Praise the Lord!