7 The towns of Israel stood abandoned, Deborah;they stood empty until you came,came like a mother for Israel.
8 Then there was war in the landwhen the Israelites chose new gods.Of the 40,000 men in Israel,did anyone carry shield or spear?
9 My heart is with the commanders of Israel,with the people who gladly volunteered.Praise the Lord!
10 Tell of it, you that ride on white donkeys,sitting on saddles,and you that must walk wherever you go.
11 Listen! The noisy crowds round the wellsare telling of the Lord's victories,the victories of Israel's people!Then the Lord's people marched down from their cities.
12 Lead on, Deborah, lead on!Lead on! Sing a song! Lead on!Forward, Barak son of Abinoam,lead your captives away!
13 Then the faithful ones came down to their leaders;the Lord's people came to him ready to fight.