12 But even though the gods are dressed in purple robes like kings, they still cannot keep themselves from being tarnished or protect themselves from termites.
13 When dust from the temple settles on their faces, someone has to wipe it off for them.
14 Like human judges they hold sceptres in their hands, but they have no power to punish anyone who wrongs them.
15 Sometimes they have daggers and axes in their hands, but they cannot protect themselves from being destroyed in war or from being carried off by thieves.
16 All this proves that they are not gods — do not worship them.
17 Those gods sitting in their temples are as useless as a broken bowl. Their eyes are filled with the dust that people kick up when they come in.
18 The priests fortify the temples with doors and bars and bolts, so that thieves cannot break in. The gods are locked up as securely as a prisoner about to be executed for a crime against the king.