53 These gods can never make anyone a king or bring rain.
54 They can't make decisions about their own affairs or give justice to someone who has been wronged; they can do absolutely nothing. They are as useless as crows flying about in the air.
55 When a temple catches fire, the priests run away to save themselves, while the gods made of wood and covered with silver and gold are left to burn like wooden beams.
56 They can't fight kings or go to war against enemies. How can anyone believe that they are gods?
57 These gods of wood, covered with silver and gold, cannot protect themselves from thieves and robbers
58 who take off the silver and gold and the gods' clothing and walk away with all of it. The gods can do nothing to stop them.
59 Anything from a courageous king to a useful piece of pottery is better than a false god. Even a door is better than a false god; a door at least protects the things in the house. Even a wooden pillar in a palace is better than a false god.