1 Lord Almighty, God of our ancestors,God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,God of their righteous descendants,
2 you created the universeand all the splendour that fills it.
3 The sea obeys your commandand never overflows its bounds.The power of your wonderful, glorious namekeeps the ocean depths in their place.
4 When you show your power,all creation trembles.
5 Your glorious splendour is overwhelming,and your anger is more than sinners can endure.
6 But the mercy you promise is also greaterthan we can understand or measure.
7 For you are the Lord Most High;you are patient and show mercy and compassion.You make our punishment easier to bearwhen we suffer for our sins.O Lord, in your great goodness and mercyyou promise forgiveness and salvationto those who repent of their sin against you.