9 I have committed more sinsthan there are grains of sand along the seashore.They are so many, Lord, they are so many.I have done so much that is wrongthat I am not worthy to turn my face towards heaven.
10 I am crushed beneath the weight of my sin;I am bowed down by its heavy iron chain.I can find no relief,for I have made you angry.I have set up idols everywhere;I have done what you hate.
11 But now I bow in deep humility,praying for your mercy.
12 I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned;I confess the wicked things I have done.
13 I beg you, Lord, I earnestly pray:forgive me, forgive me.Do not destroy me because of my sins;do not be angry with me for everor store up punishment for me.Do not condemn me to the world of the dead,for you, O Lord, forgive those who repent.
14 Show me all your mercy and kindness and save me,even though I do not deserve it.
15 Then I will go on praising you as long as I live.All the heavenly powers sing your praises,and your glory endures for ever. Amen.