11 Fortunate are those who live to see you come, as well as those who have already died in love, for we too shall live.
12 When Elijah was hidden by the whirlwind, Elisha was filled with his Spirit. As long as he lived, he was not afraid of rulers, and they could not make him do as they wished.
13 Nothing was too hard for him. Even when he was dead, his body worked a miracle.
14 In life and in death he performed amazing miracles.
15 But in spite of all this, the people did not abandon their sinful ways until they were taken from their land as prisoners and scattered all over the world. This left the nation few in number, but those who remained were still ruled by the descendants of David.
16 Some of the people did what was pleasing to the Lord, but others committed sin after sin.
17 Hezekiah prepared his city to resist a siege and provided it with a water supply. He had a tunnel built through solid rock with iron tools and had cisterns built to hold the water.