Tobit 13:6-12 GNBDC

6 “Turn to him with all your heart and soul,live in loyal obedience to him.Then he will turn to you to help youand will no longer hide himself.Remember what God has done for you,and give thanks with all your heart.Praise the righteous Lord;honour the eternal King.“Although I live in exile in a foreign land,I will give thanks to the Lordand will speak of his great strength to a nation of sinners.‘Turn away from your sins, and do what pleases God!Perhaps he will be graciousand show you his mercy.’

7 “I praise my God and rejoice in his greatness;my whole being honours the King of Heaven.

8 “Let everyone tell of his greatnessand sing his praises in Jerusalem.

9 “Jerusalem, holy city of our God,he will punish you for the sins of your people,but he will be merciful to all who do right.

10 So give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.Praise the eternal King.Your Temple will be rebuilt,and your people will be happy again.“May the Lord make all your exiles glad,may he take care of your suffering peoplefor as long as time shall last.

11 “Jerusalem, your light will shine brightly for all the world,and from far away many nations will come to you.Their people will come to honour the Lord your God,they will bring gifts for the King of Heaven.In your streets many generations will sing joyful praise,your name will endure for ever as God's chosen city.

12 A curse will be on all who make threats against you,on all who destroy you and tear down your walls,on all who demolish your towers and burn your homes.But all who honour you will be blessed for ever.