3 People were so delighted with the beauty of these things that they thought they must be gods, but they should have realized that these things have a master and that he is much greater than all of them, for he is the creator of beauty, and he created them.
4 Since people are amazed at the power of these things, and how they behave, they ought to learn from them that their maker is far more powerful.
5 When we realize how vast and beautiful the creation is, we are learning about the Creator at the same time.
6 But maybe we are too harsh with these people. After all, they may have really wanted to find God, but they couldn't.
7 Surrounded by God's works, they keep on looking at them, until they are finally convinced that because the things they see are so beautiful, they must be gods.
8 But still, these people really have no excuse.
9 If they had enough intelligence to speculate about the nature of the universe, why did they never find the Lord of all things?