27 Over the tomb of his father and his brothers Simon built a high monument that could be seen from a great distance. It was covered on the front and the back with polished stone.
28 He constructed seven pyramids side by side for his father, his mother, and his four brothers.
29 For the pyramids he created a setting of tall columns on which there were carvings. Some of these carvings were of suits of armour and some were of ships. It was a monument to their victories, which travellers from overseas could visit.
30 The tomb which he built in Modein is still there today.
31 Meanwhile, Trypho assassinated the young king, Antiochus the Sixth,
32 and took over his kingdom in Syria. He brought great troubles on that country.
33 Simon rebuilt the fortresses of Judea with high towers, strong walls, and barred gates; then he placed stores of supplies there.