5 When Gorgias and his army reached Judas' camp that night, they found no one there. They thought Judas and his men were trying to escape, so they started looking for them in the mountains.
6 At dawn Judas appeared in the plain with 3,000 men, not all of them as well armed as they would have liked.
7 They saw the huge Gentile army of experienced troops wearing armour and protected by cavalry.
8 But Judas said to his men, “Don't worry about the size of their army, and don't be frightened when they attack.
9 Remember how our ancestors were saved at the Red Sea when the king of Egypt was pursuing them with his army!
10 Now let us ask the Lord to have mercy on us. Let us pray that he will honour his covenant with our ancestors and crush this army when we attack today.
11 Then all the Gentiles will know that Israel has a God who rescues and saves them.”