7 And Solomon continued, “My father David planned to build a temple for the worship of the Lord God of Israel,
8 but the Lord said to him, ‘You were right in wanting to build a temple for me,
9 but you will never build it. It is your son, your own son, who will build my temple.’
10 “Now the Lord has kept his promise: I have succeeded my father as king of Israel, and I have built a temple for the worship of the Lord God of Israel.
11 I have placed in the Temple the Covenant Box, which contains the stone tablets of the covenant which the Lord made with the people of Israel.”
12 Then in the presence of the people Solomon went and stood in front of the altar and raised his arms in prayer.
13 (Solomon had made a bronze platform and put it in the middle of the courtyard. It was 2.2 metres square and 1.3 metres high. He mounted this platform, knelt down where everyone could see him, and raised his hands towards heaven.)