28 But the Jews prayed for help to the Lord, who crushes the power of his enemies. So they captured the city and killed about 25,000 people.
29 From there they hurried on to the city of Beth Shan, 120 kilometres north of Jerusalem.
30 The Jews there told Judas how kindly the people of the city had treated them, especially during hard times.
31 So Judas and his men thanked the people and urged them to show the same good will towards the Jews in the future. Then they left for Jerusalem, where they arrived shortly before the Harvest Festival.
32 After Pentecost (as the Harvest Festival is called in Greek) Judas and his men quickly marched out against Gorgias, the governor of Idumea,
33 who met them with 3,000 infantry and 400 cavalry.
34 In the battle that followed, a few Jews were killed.