10 “I stayed on the mountain forty days and nights, as I did the first time. The Lord listened to me once more and agreed not to destroy you.
11 Then he told me to go and lead you, so that you could take possession of the land that he had promised to give to your ancestors.
12 “Now, people of Israel, listen to what the Lord your God demands of you: worship the Lord and do all that he commands. Love him, serve him with all your heart,
13 and obey all his laws. I am giving them to you today for your benefit.
14 To the Lord belong even the highest heavens; the earth is his also, and everything on it.
15 But the Lord's love for your ancestors was so strong that he chose you instead of any other people, and you are still his chosen people.
16 So then, from now on be obedient to the Lord and stop being stubborn.