4 “The Lord is your mighty defender,perfect and just in all his ways;Your God is faithful and true;he does what is right and fair.
5 But you are unfaithful, unworthy to be his people,a sinful and deceitful nation.
6 Is this the way you should treat the Lord,you foolish, senseless people?He is your father, your Creator,he made you into a nation.
7 “Think of the past, of the time long ago;ask your parents to tell you what happened,ask the old people to tell of the past.
8 The Most High assigned nations their lands;he determined where peoples should live.He assigned to each nation a heavenly being,
9 but Jacob's descendants he chose for himself.
10 “He found them wandering through the desert,a desolate, windswept wilderness.He protected them and cared for them,as he would protect himself.