24 How can anyone discover what life means? It is too deep for us, too hard to understand.
25 But I devoted myself to knowledge and study; I was determined to find wisdom and the answers to my questions, and to learn how wicked and foolish stupidity is.
26 I found something more bitter than death — the woman who is like a trap. The love she offers you will catch you like a net; and her arms round you will hold you like a chain. A man who pleases God can get away, but she will catch the sinner.
27 Yes, said the Philosopher, I found this out little by little while I was looking for answers.
28 I have looked for other answers but have found none. I found one man in a thousand that I could respect, but not one woman.
29 This is all that I have learnt: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.