6 “I, the Lord, have called you and given you powerto see that justice is done on earth.Through you I will make a covenant with all peoples;through you I will bring light to the nations.
7 You will open the eyes of the blindand set free those who sit in dark prisons.
8 “I alone am the Lord your God.No other god may share my glory;I will not let idols share my praise.
9 The things I predicted have now come true.Now I will tell you of new thingseven before they begin to happen.”
10 Sing a new song to the Lord;sing his praise, all the world!Praise him, you that sail the sea;praise him, all creatures of the sea!Sing, distant lands and all who live there!
11 Let the desert and its towns praise God;let the people of Kedar praise him!Let those who live in the city of Selashout for joy from the tops of the mountains!
12 Let those who live in distant landsgive praise and glory to the Lord!