17 “Give the king of Egypt a new name —‘Noisy Braggart who Missed his Chance’.
18 I, the Lord Almighty, am king.I am the living God.As Mount Tabor towers above the mountainsand Mount Carmel stands high above the sea,so will be the strength of the one who attacks you.
19 Get ready to be taken prisoner,you people of Egypt!Memphis will be made a desert,a ruin where no one lives.
20 Egypt is like a splendid cow,attacked by a stinging fly from the north.
21 Even her hired soldiersare helpless as calves.They did not stand and fight;all of them turned and ran.The day of their doom had arrived,the time of their destruction.
22 Egypt runs away, hissing like a snake,as the enemy's army approaches.They attack her with axes,like men cutting down trees
23 and destroying a thick forest.Their men are too many to count;their soldiers outnumber the locusts.