6 Those who run fast cannot get away;the soldiers cannot escape.In the north, by the Euphrates,they stumble and fall.
7 Who is this that rises like the Nile,like a river flooding its banks?
8 It is Egypt, rising like the Nile,like a river flooding its banks.Egypt said, ‘I will rise and cover the world;I will destroy cities and the people who live there.
9 Command the horses to goand the chariots to roll!Send out the soldiers:men from Ethiopia and Libya, carrying shields,and skilled archers from Lydia.’ ”
10 This is the day of the Sovereign Lord Almighty:today he will take revenge;today he will punish his enemies.His sword will eat them until it is full,and drink their blood until it is satisfied.Today the Almighty sacrifices his victimsin the north, by the Euphrates.
11 People of Egypt, go to Gileadand look for medicine!All your medicine has proved useless;nothing can heal you.
12 Nations have heard of your shame;everyone has heard you cry.One soldier trips over another,and both of them fall to the ground.