16 “That is why my eyes are overflowing with tears.No one can comfort me; no one can give me courage.The enemy has conquered me; my people have nothing left.
17 “I stretch out my hands, but no one will help me.The Lord has called enemies against me from every side;They treat me like some filthy thing.
18 “But the Lord is just, for I have disobeyed him.Listen to me, people everywhere; look at me in my pain.My young men and women have been taken away captive.
19 “I called to my allies, but they refused to help me.The priests and the leaders died in the city streets,Looking for food to keep themselves alive.
20 “Look, O Lord, at my agony, at the anguish of my soul!My heart is broken in sorrow for my sins.There is murder in the streets; even indoors there is death.
21 “Listen to my groans; there is no one to comfort me.My enemies are glad that you brought disaster on me.Bring the day you promised; make my enemies suffer as I do.
22 “Condemn them for all their wickedness;Punish them as you punished me for my sins.I groan in misery, and I am sick at heart.”