3 If a rich person wrongs someone, he can afford to add insult to injury; but if a poor person is wronged, he is forced to apologize for himself.
4 A rich person will use you as long as he can profit from it, but when you need him, he will leave you helpless.
5 He will live with you as long as you have anything and will gladly drain you dry.
6 If he needs you, he will trick you with his smiles and cheerful, kindly words. “Do you need anything?” he will ask.
7 He will feed you until you are embarrassed. Finally, when he has drained you two or three times over, he will laugh at you. If you see him later, he will pretend he doesn't know you, and will pass you by.
8 Be careful not to be misled; you can be enjoying yourself and suddenly find yourself humiliated.
9 If you are invited to the home of someone influential, be reserved in your behaviour. Then he will invite you more often.