11 Even if there had been only one stubborn person, it would have been a miracle if he had escaped punishment. The Lord is merciful, but he can also become angry. He can be overwhelming in his forgiveness or in his anger.
12 His punishment is as severe as his mercy is great. He judges people by what they have done.
13 No sinner can escape with what he has stolen. The Lord will reward the patience of devout people.
14 Every righteous person will be rewarded; everyone will get what he deserves.
17 Never say, “I will hide from the Lord. Nobody up there is going to give me a thought. How can I be noticed among so many people? The creation is so enormous, what am I worth?
18 When the Lord comes, everything will tremble: the earth and the great waters beneath it, the sky and the heavens above it.
19 The mountains will shake, and the foundations of the earth will shudder when he looks at them.