17 Never say, “I will hide from the Lord. Nobody up there is going to give me a thought. How can I be noticed among so many people? The creation is so enormous, what am I worth?
18 When the Lord comes, everything will tremble: the earth and the great waters beneath it, the sky and the heavens above it.
19 The mountains will shake, and the foundations of the earth will shudder when he looks at them.
20 The Lord isn't going to give me a thought. Nobody cares what I do.
21 If I sin and am secretly disloyal, nobody will know it.
22 If I do what is right, nobody will tell the Lord about it. Who wants to wait for him, anyway? He is too slow in doing what he has said he would.”
23 Only someone with very little sense, and foolishly misguided, would think things like that.