18 To an ignorant person, wisdom is as useless as a house gone to ruin. He has never even thought about the things he is so sure of.
19 To a person without any sense, an education is like handcuffs,
20-21 but to a sensible person, it is like gold bracelets. An intelligent person will smile quietly while a fool roars with laughter.
22-23 A stupid person will peep into someone's house through the door and then march right in, but someone with experience and good manners will have enough respect to wait outside.
24 Eavesdropping at doors is bad manners, and anyone with a sense of decency would be ashamed to do it.
25 Presumptuous people talk about things that are none of their business, but the wise will consider the consequences of what they say.
26 Fools say whatever comes to mind; wise people think before they speak.