11 Anyone who takes oaths all the time is sinful to the core, and punishment is never far away from his household. If he fails to fulfil his oath, he is guilty. If he ignores his oath, he is twice as guilty. If his oath was insincere in the first place, he cannot be pardoned and will have a house full of trouble.
12 There is one way of speaking that is like death itself — may no Israelite ever be guilty of it! Devout people do not wallow in such sin, and they will keep away from such behaviour.
13 Don't fall into the habit of coarse, profane talk; it is sinful.
14 You might forget yourself while in the company of important people and make a fool of yourself with some foul word that comes to you naturally. Think how your parents would feel! You would curse the day you were born and wish you were dead!
15 If you fall into the habit of using offensive language, you will never break yourself of it as long as you live.
16 There are any number of ways to sin and bring down the Lord's anger, but sexual passion is a hot blazing fire that cannot be put out at will; it can only burn itself out. A man who lives for nothing but sexual enjoyment will keep on until that fire destroys him.
17 To such a man all women are desirable, and he can never get enough as long as he lives.