19 Compared with the troubles caused by a woman, any other trouble looks small. May such women suffer the fate of sinners!
20 A quiet man living with a nagging wife is like an old man climbing up a sandy hill.
21 Never lose your head over a woman's beauty, and don't try to win a woman because she is wealthy.
22 When a man is supported by his wife, there is sure to be anger, arrogance, and humiliation.
23 A bad wife will make her husband gloomy and depressed, and break his heart. Show me a timid man who can never make up his mind, and I will show you a wife who doesn't make her husband happy.
24 Sin began with a woman, and we must all die because of her.
25 Don't let a bad wife have her way, any more than you would allow water to leak from your cistern.