9 Birds come to roost with those of their own kind, and the habit of honesty comes to those who try to be honest.
10 Sin waits for those looking for a chance to sin, just as a lion waits for prey.
11 When devout people talk, what they say always makes sense, but foolish people are always contradicting themselves.
12 When you find yourself with stupid people, look for some excuse to leave, but when you are with serious-minded people, stay as long as you can.
13 The stories that foolish people tell are offensive, and they make jokes about the worst kinds of sin.
14 When such people curse, it is enough to make your hair stand on end, and when they start arguing among themselves, all you can do is to stop your ears.
15 It is painful to listen to them insult each other, and such blustering can lead to violence.