9 When parents give their blessing, they give strength to their children's homes, but when they curse their children, they destroy the very foundations.
10 Never seek honour for yourself at your father's expense; it is not to your credit if he is dishonoured.
11 Your own honour comes from the respect that you show to your father. If children do not honour their mothers, it is their own disgrace.
12 My child, take care of your father when he grows old; give him no cause for worry as long as he lives.
13 Be sympathetic even if his mind fails him; don't look down on him just because you are strong and healthy.
14 The Lord will not forget the kindness you show to your father; it will help you to make up for your sins.
15 When you are in trouble, the Lord will remember your kindness and will help you; your sins will melt away like frost in warm sunshine.