26 The basic needs for life are these:water, fire, iron, and salt,flour, honey, and milk,wine, clothing, and oil.
27 All these things are good for those who are devout,but they turn into evils for sinners.
28 There are winds that were created to bring punishment,fierce enough to move mountains.In times of judgement, they unleash their strengthand calm the anger of their maker.
29-30 Vicious animals, scorpions, and snakes;the sword that destroys the wicked;fire, hail, famine, and disease;these have all been created as punishments.
31 They are all glad to obey the Lord's commandand are ready to serve him here on earth.When their times of duty come,they never disobey.
32 (I was long convinced of this, so after thinking it over I put it in writing.)
33 Everything made by the Lord is good;he meets every need at the proper time.