15 Now I will remind you of the works of the Lordand describe the things I have seen.The words of the Lord brought his works into being,and the whole creation obeys his commands.
16 The light of the sun shines down on everything,and everything is filled with the Lord's glory.
17 Not even to his holy angels has the Lord given powerto describe all his mighty deeds,even though he has given them powerto stand unharmed in his glorious presence.
18 He sees into the oceans and into the human heart,and he knows the secrets of both.The Most High knows everything that can be knownand understands the signs of the ages.
19 He knows all that has ever been and all that ever will be;he uncovers the deepest of mysteries.
20 He takes notice of our every thoughtand hears our every word.
21 The orderly world shows the greatness of his wisdom;he is the same for ever and ever.Nothing can be added to him, and nothing taken away;he needs no one to give him advice.