2 I would take you to my mother's house,where you could teach me love.I would give you spiced wine,my pomegranate wine to drink.
3 Your left-hand is under my head,and your right-hand caresses me.
4 Promise me, women of Jerusalem,that you will not interrupt our love.
5 Who is this coming from the desert,arm in arm with her lover?Under the apple tree I woke you,in the place where you were born.
6 Close your heart to every love but mine;hold no one in your arms but me.Love is as powerful as death;passion is as strong as death itself.It bursts into flameand burns like a raging fire.
7 Water cannot put it out;no flood can drown it.But if anyone tried to buy love with wealth,contempt is all they would get.
8 We have a young sister,and her breasts are still small.What will we do for herwhen a young man comes courting?