11 Wickedness is cowardly in itself and stands self-condemned. Someone with a guilty conscience will always imagine things to be worse than they really are.
12 Fear is nothing but the failure to use the help that reason gives.
13 When you lack the confidence to rely on reason, you give in to the fears caused by ignorance.
14 All night long those people slept the same restless sleep, even though the night held no power over them, since it came from the powerless depths of the world of the dead.
15 They were chased by hideous forms and lay paralysed as they surrendered themselves to the sudden, unexpected fear that came over them.
16 People would suddenly collapse and lie locked in the chains of their own fear.
17 Farmers, shepherds, and labourers out in the countryside were captured by the same inevitable fate and bound in the darkness by the same invisible chain.