16 We are under his power and authority — we ourselves, our words, all our understanding and skills.
17 It is he who gave me true knowledge of the forces of nature: what the world is made of; how the elements behave;
18 how the calendar is determined by the movements of the sun, the changing seasons,
19 the constellations, and the cycles of years.
20 He has taught me about the nature of living creatures, the behaviour of wild animals, the force of the winds, the reasoning powers of human beings, the different kinds of plants, and the use of their roots as medicine.
21 I learnt things that were well known and things that had never been known before,
22 because Wisdom, who gave shape to everything that exists, was my teacher.The spirit of Wisdom is intelligent and holy. It is of one nature but reveals itself in many ways. It is not made of any material substance, and it moves about freely. It is clear, clean, and confident; it cannot be harmed. It loves what is good. It is sharp and unconquerable,