6 so that all of you together may praise with one voice the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7 Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you.
8 For I tell you that Christ's life of service was on behalf of the Jews, to show that God is faithful, to make his promises to their ancestors come true,
9 and to enable even the Gentiles to praise God for his mercy. As the scripture says:“And so I will praise you among the Gentiles;I will sing praises to you.”
10 Again it says,“Rejoice, Gentiles, with God's people!”
11 And again,“Praise the Lord, all Gentiles;praise him, all peoples!”
12 And again, Isaiah says,“A descendant of Jesse will appear;he will come to rule the Gentiles,and they will put their hope in him.”