1 The Lord spoke to me.
2 “Mortal man,” he said, “denounce the rulers of Israel. Prophesy to them, and tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, say to them: you are doomed, you shepherds of Israel! You take care of yourselves, but never tend the sheep.
3 You drink the milk, wear clothes made from the wool, and kill and eat the finest sheep. But you never tend the sheep.
4 You have not taken care of the weak ones, healed those that are sick, bandaged those that are hurt, brought back those that wandered off, or looked for those that were lost. Instead, you treated them cruelly.
5 Because the sheep had no shepherd, they were scattered, and wild animals killed and ate them.
6 So my sheep wandered over the high hills and the mountains. They were scattered over the face of the earth, and no one looked for them or tried to find them.
7 “Now, you shepherds, listen to what I, the Lord, am telling you.