17 “Now then, my flock, I, the Sovereign Lord, tell you that I will judge each of you and separate the good from the bad, the sheep from the goats.
18 Some of you are not satisfied with eating the best grass; you even trample down what you don't eat! You drink the clear water and muddy what you don't drink!
19 My other sheep have to eat the grass you trample down and drink the water you muddy.
20 “So now, I, the Sovereign Lord, tell you that I will judge between you strong sheep and the weak sheep.
21 You pushed the sick ones aside and butted them away from the flock.
22 But I will rescue my sheep and not let them be ill-treated any more. I will judge each of my sheep and separate the good from the bad.
23 I will give them a king like my servant David to be their one shepherd, and he will take care of them.