11 The Lord said, “When all this happens, I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, in Travellers' Valley, east of the Dead Sea. Gog and all his army will be buried there, and the valley will be called ‘The Valley of Gog's Army’.
12 It will take the Israelites seven months to bury all the corpses and make the land clean again.
13 Everyone in the land will help to bury them, and they will be honoured for this on the day of my victory. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.
14 After the seven months are over, men will be chosen to travel through the land in order to find and bury those bodies remaining on the ground, so that they can make the land clean.
15 As they go up and down the country, every time they find a human bone, they will put a marker beside it so that the grave diggers can come and bury it in the Valley of Gog's Army.
16 (There will be a town near by named after the army.) And so the land will be made clean again.”
17 The Sovereign Lord said to me, “Mortal man, call all the birds and animals to come from all round to eat the sacrifice I am preparing for them. It will be a huge feast on the mountains of Israel, where they can eat meat and drink blood.