18 But the Lord says,“Do not cling to events of the pastor dwell on what happened long ago.
19 Watch for the new thing I am going to do.It is happening already — you can see it now!I will make a road through the wildernessand give you streams of water there.
20 Even the wild animals will honour me;jackals and ostriches will praise mewhen I make rivers flow in the desertto give water to my chosen people.
21 They are the people I made for myself,and they will sing my praises!”
22 The Lord says,“But you were tired of me, Israel;you did not worship me.
23 You did not bring me your burnt offerings of sheep;you did not honour me with your sacrifices.I did not burden you by demanding offeringsor wear you out by asking for incense.
24 You didn't buy incense for meor satisfy me with the fat of your animals.Instead you burdened me with your sins;you wore me out with the wrongs you committed.