10-11 There was a man whose father was an Egyptian and whose mother was an Israelite named Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri from the tribe of Dan. There in the camp this man quarrelled with an Israelite. During the quarrel he cursed God, so they took him to Moses,
12 put him under guard, and waited for the Lord to tell them what to do with him.
13 The Lord said to Moses,
14 “Take that man out of the camp. Everyone who heard him curse shall put his hands on the man's head to testify that he is guilty, and then the whole community shall stone him to death.
15 Then tell the people of Israel that anyone who curses God must suffer the consequences
16 and be put to death. Any Israelite or any foreigner living in Israel who curses the Lord shall be stoned to death by the whole community.
17 “Anyone who commits murder shall be put to death,