62 Then Jonathan, Simon, and their forces withdrew to Bethbasi in the wilderness. They rebuilt the fallen fortifications and strengthened the town's defenses.
63 When Bacchides learned about all this, he got his whole army together and alerted his supporters in Judea.
64 He attacked Bethbasi from all sides and built siege platforms. After the battle had gone on for a long time,
65 Jonathan slipped out into the country with a small body of men and left his brother Simon in charge of the town.
66 Jonathan defeated Odomera and his people, and then attacked and destroyed the Phasirite camp. Once defeated, they joined Jonathan and advanced with him in his attack against Bacchides.
67 At the same time, Simon and his men rushed from the town and burned the siege platforms.
68 In the battle Bacchides was pressed so hard that all his plans came to nothing, and he was defeated.