19 Some people from Ziph went to Saul at Gibeah and said, “David is hiding out in our territory at Horesh on Mount Hachilah, in the southern part of the Judean wilderness.
20 We know, Your Majesty, how much you want to capture him; so come to our territory, and we will make sure that you catch him.”
21 Saul answered, “May the Lord bless you for being so kind to me!
22 Go and make sure once more; find out for certain where he is and who has seen him there. I hear that he is very cunning.
23 Find out exactly the places where he hides, and be sure to bring back a report to me right away. Then I will go with you, and if he is still in the region, I will hunt him down, even if I have to search the whole land of Judah.”
24 So they left and returned to Ziph ahead of Saul. David and his men were in the wilderness of Maon, in a desolate valley in the southern part of the Judean wilderness.
25 Saul and his men set out to look for David, but he heard about it and went to a rocky hill in the wilderness of Maon and stayed there. When Saul heard about this, he went after David.