16 You have seen many evil things already, but far worse things are about to happen.
17 As the world grows older and weaker, the evils that will come upon its people will multiply.
18 Truth will depart and falsehood will draw ever nearer. The eagle you saw in your vision is just about to arrive.”
19 I replied, “Let me speak in your presence, Lord.
20 I am ready to depart, as you have commanded, and I will warn the present generation; but who will warn the people who have not yet been born? This world is a dark place, and its people have no light.
21 Your Law has been destroyed by fire, so no one can know what you have done in the past or what you are planning to do in the future.
22 Please send your holy spirit to me, so that I can write down everything that has been done in this world from the beginning, everything that was written in your Law. Then in these last days, people will be able to find the right way and obtain life if they want to.”