62 which is the spirit of God the Almighty, who created everything and who knows all secrets and sees into all hidden places.
63 My people, the Lord knows everything you plan and the secret thoughts of your heart. Sinners who try to hide their sins are doomed.
64 The Lord will carefully examine everything you have done and bring you to judgment.
65 On that day you will be thrown into utter confusion; all your sins will be publicly exposed and the wicked things you have done will witness against you.
66 What will you do then? How will you hide your sins from God and his angels?
67 God is your judge, so fear him! Abandon your sins, put away the evil you have done, and never sin again. Then God will save you from all these disasters.
68 A vast mob of people is ready now to descend on you and devour you like flames. They will drag some of you off and force you to eat pagan sacrifices.