1 He said to me, “I made this decision before I created the world: before the gates of the world were standing; before the winds were brought together to blow,
2 or the lightning flashed, or the thunder rolled; before the foundations of Paradise were laid,
3 or the beautiful flowers appeared; before the powers that move the stars were established, or the armies of angels assembled;
4 before the air was piled up high, or the divisions of the heavens given their names; before I chose Mount Zion as my footstool;
5 before the present age was planned, or the scheming of its sinners was rejected, or my seal was placed on those who obeyed the Law and laid up a treasure of faithfulness.
6 Even then, I decided that since I, and I alone, had created the world, I, and I alone, would bring it to an end.”
7 Then I asked, “How long a period of time will divide the ages? When will the first age end and the next age begin?”