33 Those who are righteous will receive their reward on the basis of the many good works that they have stored up with you.
34 “What are human beings that you should be angry with them? What is this mortal race that you should be so bitter against it?
35 To speak the truth, no person was ever born who did not sin; there is no one living who is not guilty.
36 Therefore, Lord, your righteousness and goodness will certainly be made known when you show your mercy to those who have no treasure of good deeds.”
37 The Lord answered me, “Part of what you have said is correct, and things will happen as you have indicated.
38 You can be sure that I will give no thought to those who have sinned or to their creation, death, judgment, or destruction.
39 Instead, I will find my joy in the creation of the righteous, their earthly journey, their salvation, and their final reward.