27 Free those who are slaves in foreign lands and gather together our scattered people. Have mercy on our people, who are mistreated and despised, so that all other nations will know that you are our God.
28 Punish the brutal and arrogant people who have oppressed us,
29 and then establish your people in your holy land, as Moses said you would.’
30 “Then the priests sang hymns.
31 After the sacrifices had been consumed, Nehemiah gave orders for the rest of the liquid to be poured over some large stones.
32 Immediately a fire blazed up, but it was extinguished by a flame from the fire on the altar.
33 “News of what had happened spread everywhere. The Persian emperor heard that a liquid had been found in the place where the priests had hidden the altar fire, just before they were taken into exile. He also heard that Nehemiah and his friends had used this liquid to burn the sacrifice on the altar.