19 Then Judas went on to remind them of the ways God had helped their ancestors: during the time of Sennacherib 185,000 of the enemy had been destroyed;
20 and once in Babylonia 8,000 Jews came to the aid of 4,000 Macedonians, defeating 120,000 Galatians and taking a great deal of loot, all because of God's help.
21 Judas' words encouraged his men and made them willing to die for their religion and their country. He then divided his army into four divisions
22 of about 1,500 men each, with himself and his brothers Simon, Joseph, and Jonathan each in charge of a division.
23 After ordering Eleazar to read aloud from the holy book, he gave his men the battle cry: “God will help us,” and personally led the attack against Nicanor.
24 Almighty God fought on their side, and they killed more than 9,000 of the enemy. They wounded many others and put the entire enemy army to flight.
25 They seized the money from the people who had come to buy them as slaves. Then they pursued the enemy a long way, until they had to return,