29 The one who brought these calamities upon you will rescue you and bring you everlasting joy.”
30 Take courage, Jerusalem. God, who gave you your name, will now bring comfort to you.
31 Misery will come to those who mistreated you and then rejoiced when you fell.
32 Misery will come to those cities that made your children slaves. Misery will be the fate of Babylon, that city which swallowed up your children.
33 Just as that city rejoiced when you fell and took delight in your ruin, so now she will mourn when she herself is deserted.
34 I will turn her proud boastings into mourning and take away her large population in which she took pride.
35 I, the Eternal God, will send down fire on her, and it will burn for many days. Her ruins will be haunted by demons for a long time to come.