12 Its leaves were beautiful, and it was loaded down with fruit—enough for the whole world to eat. Wild animals rested in its shade, birds built nests in its branches, and every kind of living being ate its fruit.
13 “While I was thinking about the vision, I saw coming down from heaven an angel, alert and watchful.
14 He proclaimed in a loud voice, ‘Cut the tree down and chop off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Drive the animals from under it and the birds out of its branches.
15 But leave the stump in the ground with a band of iron and bronze around it. Leave it there in the field with the grass.“‘Now let the dew fall on this man, and let him live with the animals and the plants.
16 For seven years he will not have a human mind, but the mind of an animal.
17 This is the decision of the alert and watchful angels. So then, let all people everywhere know that the Supreme God has power over human kingdoms and that he can give them to anyone he chooses—even to those who are least important.’
18 “This is the dream I had,” said King Nebuchadnezzar. “Now, Belteshazzar, tell me what it means. None of my royal advisers could tell me, but you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”