9 There you will never go hungry or ever be in need. Its rocks have iron in them, and from its hills you can mine copper.
10 You will have all you want to eat, and you will give thanks to the Lord your God for the fertile land that he has given you.
11 “Make certain that you do not forget the Lord your God; do not fail to obey any of his laws that I am giving you today.
12 When you have all you want to eat and have built good houses to live in
13 and when your cattle and sheep, your silver and gold, and all your other possessions have increased,
14 be sure that you do not become proud and forget the Lord your God who rescued you from Egypt, where you were slaves.
15 He led you through that vast and terrifying desert where there were poisonous snakes and scorpions. In that dry and waterless land he made water flow out of solid rock for you.